Despite the drizzly weather, I have been spending plenty of time out and about in Hertsmere, meeting residents and standing up for our communities in Radlett.
In Radlett, I was appalled by the scourge of waste left at the back of the stores on Watling Street. For residents, this was not only a constant eyesore, but the broken glass and low hanging cables posed a real danger. Alongside Cllr Lucy Selby, I visited the site and urgently made representations on behalf of the shop owners. I was delighted to see that the rubbish has now been cleared.
And of course, I continue to stand up for our green open spaces. I visited Shenley Hill in Radlett where developers propose to erect 195 houses on green belt land. I remain firm that we should not be building on green belt land, except in exceptional circumstances. I joined residents in making the case to Hertsmere Borough Council to highlight this and was pleased that it was unanimously rejected by the Council. I will continue to monitor this, and all other applications on green belt land, closely. I urge all residents to engage with the council as they take the next steps in developing the local plan for our area and do visit my website to see more detail about my work defending our countryside: www.oliverdowden.com.
I have also enjoyed meeting many residents out and about, including a recent visit to Shenley Synagogue to speak to their community social group, visiting local schools such as Edge Grove, holding local surgeries and supporting local residents in their fight for improvement from Housing Associations, and much more.
As we approach the warmer months, there is plenty to look forward to and I am excited to continue seeing many of you out and about in Radlett.
I hope everyone can spend some time with their families over Easter and enjoy the sense of hope and renewal that this time of year brings.