Sir Oliver Dowden MP has expressed his concerns following the announcement of the Labour government’s reforms on planning.
The King’s Speech, which set out the new Labour government’s law-making plans, proposed reforms to the planning system.
Sir Oliver has voiced his opposition to these reforms, noting the burden they will place on the Green Belt.
Sir Oliver intends to ask written questions to the government and lay down amendments to legislation to ensure the Green Belt is protected.
Sir Oliver said: ‘I am very concerned at the Labour government’s planning reforms announced in the King’s Speech.
‘Sadly the Green Belt is now at great risk thanks to the Labour government’s plans to reimpose mandatory top-down housing targets and redesignate large chunks of Green Belt as grey belt in order to build on it.
‘Having been re-elected as your Member of Parliament, I want to assure you that my top priority continues to be protecting our precious Green Belt and I will be holding the government to account to ensure this.’